Friday, July 5, 2013

Math & Science Stations for 4th Grade

Math Stations with a little bit of Science?  I am trying to do more and more math and science stations during my class.  I would love input from others that teach upper elementary grades. Years past I have simply had students work in groups of 4 on similar projects.  This past school year I am began doing 20 min. stations.  I have 2 hours to teach both Math, Science, and Social Studies, though Social Studies would not get taught each day as the other two subjects did.  I tried to use the B.U.I.L.D. Math method, and idea I got from Mrs. Thompson's Adventures In Teaching Blog.  So, this is how my stations worked and the resources I used in each station.

Station 1 :  Basic Fact Practice. (flash cards, games, etc...)

Station 2:  Science:  (guided notes, research project, hands on activity)

Station 3:  Math game to go along with skill being taught. (Deck of cards, board game, dice, etc...)

Station 4:  Usually some type of reading to go along with weekly Math skill.  Most of the time I would use Dyna Math magazine by Scholastic that was purchased for us by our PTO.  Most every skill was found in the magazines throughout the year.  Other times I would use the text for students to read and practice.  I did make students break up the reading and read sections of it to the group.

Station 5:  Technology.  I would have 2 students working on my Mimio Board with some type of interactive activity that also went along with the skill and two students on the 2 classroom computers that I assigned a Mega Math game (This is a site full of games that goes along with our HSP Math series) or a Study Island assignment.

Station 6:  With the teacher.  This is where I get to meet with each student.  Usually this may be using Accelerated Math or one on one with somewhere the student is struggling.  It is also where I can challenge my higher level students.  

The stations usually begin on Tuesday after I have gone over the skills for the week on Monday.  Tuesday and Wednesday we go through the centers.  Thursday we come together as whole group and find out where more understanding is needed.  As I said, each station I limit to 20 minutes, which never seems like enough time for them to finish.  I would love to hear input on what my fellow teacher peers from around the world do. So, let me know!!


Mrs Penna said...

Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!

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